Saturday 25 July 2020

Week 2

Kia ora whānau

Well, Week 1 is done and dusted already and the children have all settled back into school easily. Unfortunately, it is a bit cramped in the L space at the moment due to the toilet renovations, but the children have been great and we are making it work as smoothly as we can. It has been a busy week with Matariki celebrations,  school-wide discovery, and visits to the Life Education Bus. Please see below for more information on these.

Week 2
Thursday- Library day
Friday - Poetry ,   Hangi lunch and also Pyjama Day. This is an event run by two of our senior students who are trying to raise funds for Cure Kids. Please send your child in their PJs , with a gold coin donation.

This week Thorrington had their own Matariki week. Matariki is the marker of the Māori New Year, signalling a new season, new crops and new life, so we thought it fitting to begin Term 3  in the same way - celebrating renewal and fresh beginnings.

Throughout the week the tamariki read, sung, listened to and watched different materials about Matariki. Today they enjoyed a Whole School Matariki Discovery Day with many creative activities on offer, including whai (string games), kite making, star creations, tī rākau (stick games), weaving, and other things.

Ask your children to share with you what they have learnt - it could be a fact about the stars, what different celebrations happen during Matariki, what Matariki actually means, or one of the kupu hōu (new words). Here is a timetable of the different daily tasks and learning that they explored throughout the week. We hope you enjoy!

Matariki Learning / Activity
whetū - star
There is different information about Matariki because it differs from iwi to iwi. Each iwi shares different kōrero (talk) regarding Matariki. Some are unable to see Matariki from their rohe (region), while some iwi herald the new year with a star named Puanga.
pātaka kai - storage house
Matariki Breakfast (Text - click the button to download the PDF or click the to listen to audio)
whenua - land
hakari - feasts
Have a singalong of this Matariki Waiata (Song) together. The lyrics are also on this same page.
whakapapa - ancestry

Matariki Quiz (Junior)

Our annual Hangi Lunch day is next Friday 31st July. Today some order forms have been sent home. If you wish to order a hangi, please fill out the form and return to the dropbox in the office no later than Wednesday 29th July at 9am.

Life Education visit- we have had a fabulous series of visits with Harold in the Life Education van. We have learned about how we are all unique, how our brains control our personality and how we can interact positively with our friends.   Below is a range of options that your child can do if they find themselves in a  situation of conflict at school or in play.

Have a happy weekend.
Kind regards

Anna, Sarah and Wendy

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