Friday 30 August 2019

Week 6

Kia ora whanau,

We farewell Wendy and wish her well for her travels. We look forward to seeing photos from her adventures. We welcome Keith Hamilton to L2 and our space for the next four weeks.

Unfortunately we are getting extremely low on black pens in our learning spaces... this is beginning to cause trouble at peak writing times!! Please could every child bring two black pens to school next week to replenish our numbers! Many thanks :)

PTA Fundraiser - Calendar Art:
Please make sure you get your order in if you want to order any calendar art. The folders with your child's art work are on the desk for you to look at.

Road Safety Lesson
We are having two lessons next week with Constable Ross about road safety. The first lesson is done in class. The second lesson will involve a short walk and crossing a quiet street. If you are available on Wednesday we would love to have at least one parent for each homebase to help us with this lesson. The times are different for each homebase - so if you are available please check in with your homebase teacher about times.

Lots of notices for the week ahead

Teachers Only Day (no School)
Library Day - please return library folders
Road Safety Lesson with Constable Ross
2nd Lesson Road Safety with Constable Ross
Book Character Parade
Journey of the Gods Show
Poem - please return poetry books

Have a lovely weekend everyone
Sarah, Andrea and Wendy

Sunday 25 August 2019

Week 5

Kia ora whanau,

The was the end of a much quieter week. Our inquiry learning "Calling all Creators" is starting to go further into the 'doing' stage. We hope your child has let you know what they are planning but you can also check out our inquiry wall to see what we have been doing. Your child will be able to talk you through our learning journey.

Just a few reminders for the week ahead:
TLC Mufti day (Bring a jar of food e.g. jam/marmite etc)
Library Day
Sausage Sizzle
Poetry (thank you to parents who have made sure their children return their poetry book to school)

Swimming permission
Please return these if you haven't already done so.

St Martins Smart Touch
Registration opens: 19th August Team Managers enter online using the URL address Fill out the touch team manager sign up form and submit. You will then receive an email giving you the link to enter your player details. Please fill out all player details. If you have entered teams before you need to use the same sign in details as last year.

Closing date for entries 23rd Sept 2019

Have a great week.
Nga mihi
Sarah, Andrea and Wendy

Friday 16 August 2019

Week Four

Kia ora,

Welcome to the end of another busy week!

The week that was:
On Tuesday we watched a wonderful show of magic tricks which the children really enjoyed - although they were warned not to try any of the tricks at home!

As part of saying farewell to Mrs Nuttridge we set up a 'sick bay' on Monday afternoon and had her visit our sick bay so that she could receive a little of the TLC that she has administered to us over the years. The children enjoyed being able to take care of her and presented her with a card which was filled with messages from the children.

We were very lucky to be visited by Viv who came to talk to us about why and how she set up the Trash Lab.  We have been looking around the school and come with some fantastic ideas that we think we could develop to improve Thorrington School.

A polite reminder about lateness in the morning. The bell goes at 9am and even though we have Tuahura time we still need to legally take the roll at 9am. Please ensure that your child arrives at school before this time.

Please help your child return their poetry book on Monday and place in the Poetry box.

Library day Tuesday

Sausage Sizzle:

Book Week is coming up in Week 7. Please read the notice about the book parade on Thursday 5th September.

Baby Food Jars:
If anyone has used baby food jars (not the tiny small ones) they can donate to us for pencil holders we would appreciate it.

Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully it's not too wet!
Nga mihi nui
Sarah, Andrea and Wendy

Sunday 11 August 2019

Week 3

Kia ora,

We hope you have been rugged up and out of this wet weather over the weekend.

The Timatanga team were very lucky to enjoy a wonderful day at the Margaret Mahy playground. The children really enjoyed it and it was an exciting and fun way to kick off our "Calling all Creators" unit. A big thank you to the many parents who came on this trip with us and helped make it successful.

This week we are having a show (no permission slip needed) at school presented to the Timatanga Team free of charge. The show is called "Bathtime Bubbles" which is sure to be a lot of fun.

The children seem to be really enjoying the Maths Bricks - although some may be lying dormant int their reading folders! Please remember to get your child to pop it in the container to get tested and to move up to the next brick.

Poetry: every Friday we have poetry. A new poem is introduced every Friday and your child glues it into their poetry book. After listening to your child read the poem you could ask your child what the focus of the poem was this week.  There are a number of children however, that have 'misplaced' their poetry book. If your child has no poetry book could you please purchase another one. It is a 1A8 exercise book.


Library: each Tuesday. Please remember to bring back library books and library folder.

Swimming: We are swimming in Week 9 and 10 of this term. Please return permission slip.

Show: Journey if the Gods - please return permission slip.

Teacher Only Day: Reminder that Monday 2nd September Week 7 school will be closed for instruction

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do come in and see us or make an appointment for before or after school. We hope you all have a lovely week.
Nga mihi
Sarah, Wendy and Andrea

Sunday 4 August 2019

Week 2

Kia ora,

Welcome to the beginning of Week 3.

Last week we had a wonderful time in our cricket lesson. You might (should) have received a flyer about Sydenham Cricket for the coming summer.

Thank you to all the whanau who have brought back their permission slips for our trip this Tuesday. If you haven't yet returned it, please sign and return on Monday.  We are sure it will be a lot of fun! Please remember to include a good packed lunch, drink bottle and warm jacket for the trip :)

Swimming notices should have been in your cild's reading folder on Friday. this is for swimming lessons at Pioneer Pool in Week 9 and 10. Please return these signed permission slips to school. 

Hope you've all had a lovely relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning.
Ngaa mihi nui
Sarah, Andrea and Wendy