Friday 1 December 2017

Term 4 Week 8!

 Timatanga Art Gallery Celebration - Thursday 7th December

This week Year 2 are finishing off their artwork and practicing their singing for their end of year celebration this Thursday. We are looking forward to our whanau coming together to celebrate a great year of learning at Thorrington School. 

As with all events involving food for Timatanga, we respectfully ask that you provide nut free baking or that baking is nut free labelled. We have students in our team that can be put at very high risk from exposure to these foods.

Athletics Day success!

A big thanks to all supporters, organisers and participants on this great day. 
Click Here for the Timatanga blog which has a few more pictures. 


Items brought home

With two weeks left Year 2 students will be gradually bringing home pieces of art work, learning books and other items. We aim to do this over time to avoid heavy bags and overload of items in a short timeframe. 

Reading books

We will not be sending reading books home in the last two weeks of term. This for a number of reasons including the nature of our end of year program which involves rehearsing for end of year events, completion of art work, small end of year projects and the general collection of resources required for the end of the year. Year 2 have worked hard all year and have had great success in their reading. The Bug Club online reading program will still be available.